Clinical Supervision
Both One-to-one and group supervision provide a safe place for counsellors, psychotherapists, coaches, teachers and other healthcare professionals to talk through their client work and get support and insight in a confidential clinical setting. Many professionals managing and leading teams use supervision to explore systemic organisational dynamics, as well as, issues around diversity, inclusion and intersectionality.
Supervison can be used to provide support and enhance your professional practice. As well as, shed light onto unconscious dynamics and help to navigate ethical dilemmas. We can explore theoretical questions that might come up, organisational struggles, various levels of dynamics and your own personal journey as a professional.
I have trained to work in an inclusive and relational manner. Welcoming diversity, inclusion, difference and the complexity of intersectionalities that we all face.

Supervision reflects on...
Supervision provides different lenses through which to view the therapeutic process and develop professionally.
The Client's System: Focuses on the client's systemic context and cultural influences.
The Therapeutic Relationship: Examines the dynamics between therapist and client.
Interventions and Strategies: Evaluates therapeutic techniques, considering their effectiveness within the client's context.
The Therapist's Process: Encourages therapists to reflect on their experience and countertransference.
Supervision Relationship: Explores unconscious dynamics, parallel processes and intersectionality.
Supervision Process: Focuses on the structure, quality, cultural competence and ethics.
The Wider Context: Examines ethical, legal, and cultural factors that may affect therapy and supervision.